Friday, December 28, 2007

Pickles and kittens

Kids are great. Growing like weeds. funnier than ever. And as they get bigger, funnier, louder and smarter, I see how different the two personalities are. Morgan, to describe her current dispostion on life, is, well, a little sensitive. She used to eat anything we gave her. She now has very specific things like, no chicken fingers some days. She wants a hamburger if we go out to eat. And NO PICKLES. God forbid it! She likes her honey mustard and wont eat mushrooms anymore. She isn't a fan of milk, but she likes water.She also beggggged for a cat. We FINALLY got her a kitten after about 10 months. She wants it from a distance. Any closer and she freaks. Eh. To each his own. She's healthy, and eats plenty, she just likes what she likes. If you look at her wrong, she cries. If you knock her by accident, she cries. If you tell her most anything that she disagree's with, she cries. Then there is little sister Maddison who loves kitty and thinks it's the best thing in the world to chase, catch and love on. She is picky, but not that picky. She is very possesive over her cheerio's though. Very. She lives for her milk. And if you knock her by accident, she giggles, and then comes after you like you wanted to play. She cries. When you don't give her what she wants and she can't get to it herself. They have similarites, like sleeping. They wake early. And tire early. But they don't go to bed as early as the should, because normally it's before dinner time :). But when it's time for bed, they dont argue. No crying (most of the time), just sleeping. They know they have an early morning of screaming at mamma to wake. I just keep thinking to myself- it's not going to always be like this. One day, I'll have 2 TEENAGERS. Then I smile, and love the crying over pickles on a hamburger :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My lil monsters

There is a reason you get an update once every 3 months. I love those little gremlins though. I must assure you though, that I am totally kidding when I call them that. I couldn't live with out them. They bring so much joy and laughter. Of course, this also comes with tears and frustration. Like, the monster in the closet. Never really thought I would have a kid like that. Now I have one that refuses to go to bed and is honest to God, loosing sleep over these so-called monsters in her closet. Or the littlest one that things bath time is a good time to see how fast she get start running while she is in the water. I come out of bath time probably more wet then they are. I have to bring in a towel for myself. My work is never done with them. From the first minute they are up, until well after their little sleepy heads are fast asleep, I am on the move. Maddison throws food as far as she can when she's decided she is done eating. I tell ya, that kids got an arm on her. And did you know there is a lot more that a vaccuum WONT pick up than what it WILL pick up?? The lessons you learn. One I have not learned or figured out, that you may be able to help me with, is how my 4 year old got red marker on her butt. HOW? How does this happen? Did she go to the bathroom and do it? Who knows. Our best guess is she went potty with a marker in her hand and thats where it came from (The mark is not consistant with that, so I'm not convinced). I have been getting a lot of questions latley of what she can and can not say. She's smart enough to know when new things she hears from kids are questionable. It's almost like she knows they are bad words, but if she asks me, she gets to say them. So for now "WHAT THE SHOOT" , "HECK", and "SHUTUP" are not nice words in our house! HAHA! Oh, and while we are on it, did you know that Donkey say's damn in Shrek? Never noticed that before I head her screaming it. So just a little FYI. I have seen the movie a million times and never noticed that word. Hmm. Interesting :) .

So I leave you with the promise that when I am slow at work with nothing to do, I will come and update this more with the little quirks of my kids. See you in a few months!! LOL!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cheerios and Cheese

Maddison's mid day lunch/snack meal is cheerios and chesse so far. And she thinks it's great. I swear that child will not eat anything unless cheerios are on the tray. We have finally gotten her to where she will eat some foods with out it, but the second she even see's the box, it's over and that's all she's gonna have. She eats them with veggies, meat, fruit, cheese, pasta. Anything. Gross, but whatever, she's being fed and she's happy about it ! It's different because she is somewhat of a picky eater. She will not eat green veggies anymore. I can try to hide them in her food, and she will pick them out and eat around them. She doesn't like any kind of beef. What's funny is neither does Morgan. But anything else at this age, Morgan would eat with a quickness and not leave anything behind. It's fun to see how different they are, and at the same time see what things they are alike in. I can see some of what comes from me in them, which is a bit frightening, but I'm excited to see what young women they grow up to be.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's been a while..

The life of a mom is this- I never have time to myself. I'm working on that :) The kids are getting big, and it's getting harder to keep them in clothes that fit them! But we are having a blast watching them grow! Maddison's 1st birthday is coming very soon, and we have already started the planing. Morgan is getting smarter by the day, and I'm afraid sooner rather than later, she will be out smarting me. :) Anyway, just a small update for now. Will try and post more later :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Barking Dog.

THIS is my so called life. I don't even remeber that last time I blogged. Sad, huh? This is what 2 kids has done to me. The sad thing is this doesn't happen to everyone, some people can handle it. I just can't find my balance. I know I eventually will, but I am so close to being burnt out on being a mom. But, alas, I realize, I'm in this not only for the long haul, but I'm at the begining of this haul. So a lot has gone on with the girls since I last blogged, but I'm sure I will revisit those wonderful moments at some point whenever they return to my brain. For now, I will share the most recent of "funniness" that has occured in our household. 3:30 a.m. I am dead to the world. Kyle, the same. I hear my dog, Helix, shoot up out of the bed as though something was wrong. I, on the other hand, was too tired to care. So, he barks. And bark again. So, Kyle, naturally, sits up and tells him to shut up. He barks again. In unison almost, we both yell "SHUT UP HELIX!". Then, I wake up a bit more, and realize...He has to be barking at SOMETHING. So I make Kyle get up. He opens our bedroom door, and there sits Morgan, crying because she has to go "pee-pee". Ok, so go pee pee. Ok, thats done. Then she starts screaming that she had a bad dream. There were monsters. Ok ok..lets go back to bed. "see? No monsters! Promise!" Then she want's to read a book. You know, I'm exahasted and can't even fight this battle. So Kyle come in tells her "no" and she takes it a God's word. Grrrrr.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The paci-crusade

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are on night 3 of no paci for the 3 year old!! Last night marked the end of night two with not too much drama! I must say, I am thankful for my skillful bribery that helped me with the paci-crusade. We are not done yet, but we are halfway up the hill! If she can go a whole week with out her paci (and that's at her dad's house too) the we will go to what she affectionately calls "Old McDonald's", or in my vocabulary, a place to make mommies ass bigger, McDonald's. I came up with this bribe because everyday as we leave daycare, there is a McD's across the street that she sees. She screams and begs, and I just quietly say, "No ma'am. Not with that attitude" Then the idea to USE this to my advantage came!! So it was decided if she went a whole week, we would go there. Day 1 was painful. She cried, I secretly cried. But we got through it. Day 2 was a little worse. She cried a lot more, and I think it's because she has finally realized that paci may be gone forever. She goes to her dad's house tonight, and I have already gone over the "rules" haha! He's totally on board, which makes this so much easier that we are on the same page finally after 3 years of being very non-civilized.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Candy for breakfast

Most people have mornings where they get out of bed and it just so happens, it's on the wrong side. Whats better is when your kids do it. Morgan woke up and decided that since there was candy in plain view, THAT should be her breakfast. Damn! ALL morning while I was trying my hardest to get both kids dressed, myself dressed and everything packed and together all I heard was the dreaded "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! I WANT CANDY FOR BREAKFAST!!!!" Followed by her newly famous phrase....ready for this?? "you hurt my feelings!!". Where she learned that, I have no idea! Now, this story is funny to my friends who don't have children, but little do they know I am looking forward to the day they hear "I WANT CANDY FOR BREAKFAST!!"....oh the giggles I will get out of it!