Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The paci-crusade

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are on night 3 of no paci for the 3 year old!! Last night marked the end of night two with not too much drama! I must say, I am thankful for my skillful bribery that helped me with the paci-crusade. We are not done yet, but we are halfway up the hill! If she can go a whole week with out her paci (and that's at her dad's house too) the we will go to what she affectionately calls "Old McDonald's", or in my vocabulary, a place to make mommies ass bigger, McDonald's. I came up with this bribe because everyday as we leave daycare, there is a McD's across the street that she sees. She screams and begs, and I just quietly say, "No ma'am. Not with that attitude" Then the idea to USE this to my advantage came!! So it was decided if she went a whole week, we would go there. Day 1 was painful. She cried, I secretly cried. But we got through it. Day 2 was a little worse. She cried a lot more, and I think it's because she has finally realized that paci may be gone forever. She goes to her dad's house tonight, and I have already gone over the "rules" haha! He's totally on board, which makes this so much easier that we are on the same page finally after 3 years of being very non-civilized.

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